The average house price on ISLAY CLOSE is £447,334
The most expensive house in the street is 4 ISLAY CLOSE with an estimated value of £694,786
The cheapest house in the street is 3 ISLAY CLOSE with an estimated value of £315,944
The house which was most recently sold was 2 ISLAY CLOSE, this sold on 16 Sep 2021 for £460,000
The postcode for ISLAY CLOSE is LS26 0WD
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £499,362 £460,000 16 Sep 2021
3 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £315,944 £246,000 20 Jul 2017
4 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £694,786 £149,995 21 Dec 1998
5 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £426,404 £353,000 28 Aug 2020
6 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £390,176 £290,000 3 Jun 2016
7 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £323,638 £245,000 15 Dec 2016
9 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £428,227 £215,000 28 Jun 2004
11 ISLAY CLOSE Detached £500,136 £291,500 31 Aug 2012